Concerns with guy 4 years old


Hey guys… I’m pretty new here and is just getting the hang of these cool groups… but I’m here to discuss this little problem I’m having and I also have a few questions. I’ve recently have gotten out of a 2 year relationship. At the beginning, our relationship was everything. But I later realized that it was basically love bombing. Said “ I love you” very quick. Bought me gifts. Showered me with lots of compliments and ok how he can’t believe that I’m actually with a guy like him… etc. After a while, all of that changed. Later done things that made me no longer trust him. Anywho he have done something that really hurt my feelings and disregarded my feelings. That was the last straw that made me finally say that I am done. Anyways i felt single even while in that relationship. But that was just a little backstory of my last relationship. Now moving forward.. we have broken up 2 months ago. (Oct 22) Im not heartbroken, sad, or anything and i definitely don’t miss the relationship. After 2 weeks of my break up… this guy hit me up that I haven’t seen since high school (he was an upperclassman).. we never talked before but we still knew of each other because everyone knew everyone. Anyways he texted me and stated that he was interested in “getting to know each other”. I’m young and I’m used to guys not using the term “getting to know each other” very likely because these days guys are so eager and always wants to rush and jump into relationships. So it feels different to me. But anyways He is a nice guy , calls almost everyday and also before he goes to sleep, doesn’t like texting but he does it for me, & tries to make an effort to see me even though he has 2 jobs. We’ve been texting since Nov 8. And we’ve only seen each other once and today is Dec28. (Whenever I’m available, he’s not … and when he’s available I’m not). But we still plan to sit a day aside to make arrangements because we stay 20-25 minutes away from one another. The only time is perfect is after 9pm but I’m not the type to go see a guy that late in the night because ONE I respect my parents home because yes I still stay with my parents while I’m in college. And TWO .. because I don’t feel comfortable going to see a guy late in the night that I’m not in a fully relationship with. I also don’t want him to come to my home because again I just gotten out of a 2 year relationship 2 months ago and I don’t want to look as if I’m moving too fast or if I’m bringing different guys to my parents home. (I only brought one guy here which is my ex) but I still don’t know if the time is right yet. Im also very shy, whenever there is a good chance to see him, I make up an excuse on why I can’t at that moment. As much as I be ready to see him, some days I just feel ugly and not put together that I just can’t face him like that. I actually like this guy but I’m not sure if he wants to move forward yet. So i don’t know why I’m even writing this lol. I love how slow he’s taking it but I’m just not used to it because I’m so use to being rushed into things so it’s makes me feel you know…. Another thing is that he is 4 years older than me. I’ve very scared to tell my parents that because what if they think other things. It’s also things he share on his social media that I don’t like but by me not being his girlfriend and we both are single.. I feel as though it’s not my place to confront him about anything. Especially since we’ve only been talking a month. Like I really like this guy but idk.. is this a good idea? Am I moving too fast ? How long does most men wait till they know they want To make your their girlfriend ? Is 20 years old & a 24 year old a good enough age gap? What are good tips to make me comfortable and not so shy when I see him again ? What does getting to know each other actually consist of ? Do I sound crazy ? How do I be chill and not try to rush into it as well ?