Breastfeed babies and sleep


What is everyone’s night sleep with with your breastfed baby. This is baby number 4 for me but first time breastfeeding, so I find this journey very very different! My little one is just over 7 weeks old and will do anywhere from 6-8.5 hour stretches. This gives me only 1 waking throughout the night which is lovely however, leading up to these long stretches she will clusterfeed for 2 hours before which basically takes up my whole evening and then by the end of it I’m exhausted. With my formula feed babies they were pretty much sleeping through the night (10-12 hours) at this point. I know formula takes longer to digest which will keep babies fuller longer but I’m just curious if anyone’s little one is doing full nights yet and if there’s a certain routine you follow. Our routine starts around 6/6:30pm clusterfeed until 8/8:30 and let the evening take me until she’s up to eat again. I’m totally happy with our progress and only 1 waking but I’ve realized with ebf it takes a toll on the mother so much more as my husband can’t get up to feed if I’m super exhausted and want a full nights sleep… especially after playing with 3 other rugrats all day.

Tell me about your routine, your night wakings, your day feeds, your day sleep, activities etc.