Which name??

We’re stuck between two names for our boy.. I had my heart set on Colton with the nickname Colt but my boyfriend is entirely anti Colton but likes Colt. He loves Beau and I don’t totally love it though I like it a lot but my 8 year old hates it 🤣 my boyfriend said he’s happy with either and now it’s up to me to make the final decision…

His name would be 1 syllable-2 syllables-1 syllable so both flow nicely. I wrote both full names under our 3D ultrasound photos of him and I prefer the way Colt looks with the rest of his name and his face but I’m still a little stuck on not being able to use Colton with it.

Why does this have to be so hard lol my daughter’s name came so easily!!

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Posted at
I have a son named Colt… so many people call him Colton but it’s just Colt. I love his name 💙


Posted at
Colt is an awesome name! Even if others associate it with firearms, not sure why that is even relevant or an opinion needed to be shared. Beau is a solid contender too!


Posted at
Personally the name Colt for me will always be associated with firearms.