Idk what job to do because I stutter so much

I’ve had a stuttering problem since I was very young. It’s embarrasses me so much and to even post this. I’ve gone to counseling for it and they only want you to accept what you have and not be scared to let others know. Stuttering holds me back from so much in my life that I can’t have a proper job because I can’t talk. Today I had a zoom interview and I completely shut out and couldn’t talk. Because I couldn’t talk I ended the zoom call. I’m so ashamed in myself. I was so angry with myself after the call. I don’t have a lot of experience in jobs and I know this is so weird to say but I need a job to where I’m not on the phone or speaking to customers because I cannot do it. I know it’s silly to say because all jobs you have to talk to people or be on the phone but I can’t do it. I’ve struggled a lot with jobs and don’t keep them because I can’t do the job right. Idk how I’m ever going to be successful or have a full on career because I just cannot talk right. Idk what to do anymore. Nobody understands how much I suffer from stuttering and not be able to talk to people, my family, ordering at drive thrus. I avoid it all. I wish somehow I was able to find a job to where I didn’t have to be on the phone or talk to customers but idk what job that would be. If I could sit behind a computer or something and not have to answer calls or something that would be the best job for me.