Braxton Hicks (25 weeks)

Hi mamas!

First of all.. pregnant with my third.. and I know all pregnancies and babies are different.

How many BH are to many?? I haven’t had this many this consistent with my other two. But I seem to be having multiple.. like I’m talking 6-8+ an hour..and then it’ll calm down for an hour or so and then back to it for an hour and so on.

I’ve tried switching positions.. I’ve drank the water etc I’m hydrated enough. I haven’t been doing anything at all today minus getting up to get to the bathroom and getting my other two what they need.

But this seems!

I’m not sure if it’s worth getting checked at L&D.

my last two pregnancies they have had to stop contractions 1-2 times each pregnancy.. but I also wasn’t aware at the time I was having them.

Also am having like pea sized or just slightly larger amounts of snot like mucus multiple times a day which I know doesn’t mean anything and the mucus plug regenerates. Just seems like a crazy amount 🫤

Just feeling a little conflicted cause I don’t want to just ignore..but I also don’t want to seem silly to them. I know better safe then sorry.

I don’t know 😩 help a mama out

Edit: baby girl is here. Wanted to update for anyone who may come across later on.

They did and up being contractions, I was dehydrated with a kidney infection (had no idea 🤯) they did happen again around 32 weeks with cervical change but no progression. Baby girl held in till 39+2.