Would you be upset if your boyfriend‘s roommate saw your intimate messages?

I have been dating this guy for a little over four months, well he admitted to me that his roommate (male) got on the tablet that I guess is shared within in the apartment and he read through all of our messages.

I feel betrayed because I didn’t know they had a shared tablet that people could hop on at their leisure. I feel betrayed….. his roommate saw within the conversations I have with my boyfriend, saw our texting messages, intimate pics and videos, and personal things I felt comfortable sharing with my boyfriend….

my BF sent way more pics and videos than I did and he seems totally fine by all this.

I told him that for me this broke all trust because I had no idea that there were other people who potentially could be reading anything we were sending back-and-forth. I would’ve never done this to him. Not just intimate things but I shared things with him that were personal aspects of my life that I didn’t want to share with other people.

But I don’t think he’s understanding or getting where I’m coming from. he said I’m so sorry you feel that way and just started talking to me about other things

I mean personally for me nobody has ever read any of the messages I have shared with this man and if that were to be a possibility, I would’ve told him this seems like a sensitive topic, Why don’t we move this to Snapchat or talk on the phone or this seems pretty intimate Call me.

I did tell him what I sent you was for you only what I sent you wasn’t meant to be free porn.

He said that he felt like he didn’t have to hide anything from his roommate. It’s a shared tablet. Both guys get on whenever they feel like it. If he reads them, he reads them.

The more I think about this, the angrier I get, because I had no idea that somebody else had the opportunity to read through our messages.

And yes, his roommate did see our Sexting conversations

I feel so violated I feel betrayed. I feel lied to. I’m feeling all these conflicting emotions. I have never ever had anybody read through any kinds of messages I have on Facebook messenger. If it was a possibility that somebody could see what I was sending other people, I would inform the other person.

For me, this just feels like a big dealbreaker.

It would be one thing if it was his private tablet and his roommate stumbled upon it and got on it but it’s a whole other thing when you know that there is a shared iPad within the apartment and you don’t disclose that to your girlfriend

Also, for me, I just don’t feel comfortable talking to him anymore because how am I supposed to know and trust that other people aren’t reading

Even question was that him sometimes messaging me or was it his roommate….

Would you be upset if this happened to you?

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