How do you know when you’re ready for a baby?

Hello!! This is my very first post (copied & edited from Pregnancy group). 26 year old type-A personality wifey here who likes to be as prepared as possible and always have a plan. I could really use advice. How do you know when you’re ready to have your first baby? My husband & I have been married 4 years. Our marriage is strong, tested and true. We bought our first home last year. We have been settled in our careers for a couple years. I work from home. We make enough money together to be comfortable, but it does take both salaries to cover monthly expenses. We make enough to have about $700 (give or take) leftover each month after paying for all bills, loans, groceries & gas. We have a monthly budget where we plan all expenses for the month and stick by it. We have some emergency savings, although not 3-6 months worth of living expenses. We try to save some money each month, but sometimes we can’t. We have parents who are willing to help if we get in a bind, but I don’t want to bank on their help. Several months ago my husband communicated that he’s very excited to start a family & he feels ready, so he wants to start trying as soon as I’m ready. When he first brought this up, I was like NO WAY 😂 But now I’m warming up to it. My husband is my best friend. I can’t wait to see how becoming parents makes us grow as individuals & as a couple. I’m excited for the extra love it will bring into our lives. Also, one of my close friends just got pregnant & I find myself wishing I could be on the same journey. But the thing is, I just want to make sure I can provide a good life for a child. Is $700 extra each month enough to give a baby what it needs? And still have room leftover for savings & other fun things? How much does a little baby even cost to keep alive 😆 Is it possible to WFH and look after your baby instead of doing daycare? (My WFH job is not on the phone). What other factors should I consider before I decide?

Thanks in advance to anyone who read this far & will take the time to respond ❤️