Do guys hate you being on top?

Do guys actually like it when you're on top or do they hate it? Obviously not a monolith so maybe the better question is.... is ny past a normal situation.

My only experience was my ex who I was with many years. He would almost get mad when I was on top. I now assume it was a power thing since towards the end he got abusive and the only sex we had was like masterbation where I was a toy to be used (I always consented but there was no attempt to please me anymore. It was basically stick it in and pump until he's done).

But I liked to get on top the couple of times he let me. And he seemed to enjoy it until it made him mad and would and with a flip around and hair pulling (I didn't mind at the time im a little kinky).

Anyway I am considering a sexual relationship and I dont know if my experience is the norm. I thought a lot of guys liked girls on top... like its hot or something but ive never been made to feel hot while doing that.

I think im nervous about that because im worried he didn't want me on top because I was really bad at it or something. And i dont want to be a bad sexual partner.

EDIT: Thanks yall. I dont plan on bringing things forward but when preparing for the future ita difficult to know what is normal when you only have one frame of reference.