Pain scale for cramps

Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

I’ve been going to the doctor recently for chronic pain(unrelated) I’m also autistic and I had to look up the pain scale because I’ve always read it as:

0 = discomfort but it’s pushed to the back of my mind

1-3= how many extra strength Tylenol it takes to mostly stop the pain

4= ow, I’m not taking another Tylenol but it still hurts

5-6= I gotta lie down, I’m getting dizzy

7-9= I can’t eat/drink

10= oh god, kill me if I’m not already dying

But apparently it’s

0= NO discomfort/aches/pains AT ALL

1-3= I can mostly ignore this(without drugs)

4-5= it’s getting harder to ignore this(when you start taking Tylenol)

6-7= getting hard to move/focus

8= NOW I’m getting dizzy

9= can’t even talk

10= oh god, kill me if I’m not already dying

Which means my period cramps aren’t a 4, they’re a 7. My daily life sits on at minimum a 2, on average a 5, and at worst an 8. Wtf.