Running out of FMLA before baby


Hi Mama’s. I’m currently scheduled to be induced early at 37 weeks due to Gestational Hypertension and a history of severe preeclampsia in my last 2 pregnancies. I had a scare yesterday and almost had to be induced right then (23 w 1 d) but thankfully we were able to get things stabilized. I’m now home and am on bed rest until my follow up with regular OB Tuesday.

My issue is, I do not want to waste all of my FMLA leave prior to having baby. If I take it now for bed rest then I will be completely out of time by the time baby gets here. I asked the physicians at the hospital about it and they suggested that I speak to my OB about allowing me to work a modified schedule with reduced hours in order to try to work around this. I work at a desk, so I do feel that I would be able to go in half days without over doing it too much and can get all of my regular work done. My workplace however, isn’t sure that they will be able to accommodate as we are part of a larger corporate who will have to approve the temporary change.

Does anyone have experience with situations like these?