Pregnancy after loss/grief


It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here. It’s been 2 years since my medical abortion. And I’m still grieving as if it were yesterday. I miss my baby so much, and the regret/guilt/grief is too much to bare. My first born has now turned 3, and I am now blessed with another child after praying and 3 months of trying. I thought I’d never get pregnant again. I try to be happy, but then the guilt , the what ifs kicks in, I’m constantly thinking of my angel. I feel guilty for not allowing myself to feel fully happy with this pregnancy now. Because it truly is a blessing. And a prayer come true. I just wish I could turn back time. I wish I had the support and strength to pull through. I ask for forgiveness all the time. Does anyone know any support group, etc that they’d recommend? I’m scared to experience postpartum depression, especially with how much I’ve been grieving during this pregnancy. I want to be strong for my two kids, but the grief can be too much . I wish I could turn back time, I’m just so heartbroken. Idk who to talk to about it because everyone just expects me to not speak on it anymore or move on .