Well… I left

I posted earlier about a cheating BOY. Whom cheated while I was pregnant.

I asked him when he saw her cuz she said she saw him twice. I only knew of November 2023 (I was 4 months pregnant). I figured the other time was before that. Finally tells me TODAY that it was February 2024!! TWO MONTHS before our baby was born. (Our baby is now 4 months old). That completely fucked me up. You see another fucking girl 2 months before our baby was due? Like WHAT Fuck me sideways. And he was talking all this bullshit how he wants to be a family, fuck you. Now I have to move out back to my mothers. Lol. Ain’t no way I’m gonna look more stupid with his ass. She can have him. I’m currently out of town with my 5 year old (he’s seeing an orthopaedic Tuesday) & he has my 4 month old. I’m not sure how all this is gonna play out. My 5 year old lives with my mom, so in a different town. My 4 month old is in another town with his dad (where I moved). This gon be messy cuz when or how tf am I gonna get my baby on a plane to come to me? (Flying is the only option).

Just to make it more understandable. I gave up my apartment in my hometown (where my mom is lol) to go & move with him in his town. Mind you, we were together for 3 years before I moved in with him. My 5 year old came with me but preferred back in our hometown cuz thats where all his family is so I let him be with my mom. My 4 month old is currently in my exes town. Hence why idk how im gonna get him to me in my hometown when im back on Wednesdays flight.