Would this bother you?

Hey all- I just need to know if I’m over reacting or if I’m right to feel the way I do.

Been with my man for 10 years, we have 5 kids together and I recently found out I’m pregnant again. For a little bit of background- our relationship started out just a fling ten years ago and it was strictly just sex. I ended up pregnant with our first and when he was 9 months old we moved in together. Ended up living separately up until five years ago- and in that time had 4 other kids. Last year we split up for a few months and I kicked him out (he was an alcoholic and I was done with it) and then I allowed him to come back to try again. He has stayed sober the last year but for some reason we don’t have a whole lot to do with each other. We sleep in separate rooms because he snores ridiculously and it keeps me up- we have sex probably once or twice a month but we also work opposite shifts and don’t see each other much- when I get home from work he’s passing out or going to bed, and when he gets home I’m going to work. We don’t have the same days off either. I ask all the time for sex but he’s always sleeping- so it doesn’t happen much.

Last night his phone was left open on the couch and he went to bed so I picked it up and his search history was on (he must of been hitting buttons in his sleep) and it was all porn videos….not gonna lie- my feelings are hurt. He’s obviously watching these videos after he goes to bed and I don’t understand because I’m more then happy to have sex- so now I’m feeling like I’m not good enough or he just doesn’t want me. He has always said he doesn’t watch porn but I’ve caught him before- and I don’t see the big deal as long as we are having sex….i want to confront him because when I’m begging for sex and you’d rather watch porn- that’s hurtful so I’d like to know what’s going on and why he’s choosing to watch that instead of have sex with me….why would he do this?