What would you do?

My baby is two and a half months old and he is breast fed but I don’t make enough so he gets like two bottles of formula a day. Me and baby live 9 hours away from his father. I’ve been going over there about 10 days a time out of the month so his father can see him. He works 12 and 16 hour days like 6 days a week and goes to the gym after that. And when he is home I feel like he rathers spend time with me than our baby. We are not together but we have not been talking too or seeing other people for the past year and a half and we act like we’re together when we’re around eachother. Btw before this past year and half we havnt “been together” we were dating for 5 years besides a 4 month break. I think what we were doing is stupid so that’s why I moved back to my home state where all my family is so I can have support with the baby too sense he is hardly ever home. He wants to start talking too and having sex with other people but still wants me to go over there and live with him a week out of the month to see his baby. I’m not cool with sleeping and living in his apartment when he’s messing around with other people while I’m not there. And obv I would make sure we would not act like we’re together while he’s sleeping with other people. I am moving back to where he lives and getting my own place in a couple months. So I asked him if we can keep just not seeing other people until then to make things easier on me. That way the baby can go over to his place a couple hours when he is free and I don’t have too. He does not want to wait until then. Obv I still have feelings for him since we have a baby and have been together for 5 years. I was just over there a week ago and we were acting like a family. I know I never should have but it’s hard not too. He apparently would rather not see his baby for a couple months than not sleep with other people for a couple months even though neither of us have slept with other people for a year and a half. Am I being unreasonable and would you go if you were in my situation for the good of the baby. I mean he’s not even 3 months old yet does it really matter if I’m the bigger person and go over there so he can see the baby for a maybe a couple hours out of the whole week? He thinks I’m keeping his child from him and using our baby as a bargaining chip but the baby won’t remember and it will just be mental torture for me and he’s gone most of the day and wont be able to see baby anyway. Btw if yall are curious why we aren’t together it’s bc he “doesn’t want to be with someone like me” bc I slept with multiple people before I met him and during the 4 months we wernt together. He thinks I’m a whore bc of my body count but I’ve never cheated on him and he has cheated on me one time in the past, we were only 18 then though but it was with my best friend at the time. Ik im stupid for going back u don’t have to say so. Sorry for this long post.

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