Help help help!!

Kay • Mama of 1 [4 years in the making]💙 👼🏽 👼🏽[IVF Warrior]

Okay so I ovulated on September 23, VERY early for me (one week after period started), and then I got my period early thinking I’m out this month - October 3rd. So I am booked in to get a transfer done this month, so I went in today just to make sure that I’m cleared (basic all ultrasound and bloodwork) and my beta came back 2.5! (I was in a few weeks prior and it was 0…) sooooo is it possible I’m pregnant even tho I had a full period? Or what is going on!!! lol I know a positive beta is 5+ but I mean it’s very early considering I ovulated two weeks ago!

They have me booked back in on Friday but I’m spinning so any help would make my sanity all the more clear lol.