BC/feeling pregnant ?


I’m looking for some advice,

I’ve been taking rigvidon contraception for about 9 months now,

My bleeding is regular-it comes when I’ve finished my pill pack (I have 7 days break) for about 2-4 days and it is a light flow, It stops when I start a new pack of pills.

This month I decided to not have my 7 days break (pharmacist said it was okay to not have a break) due to some extra bleeding- this time I was bleeding for 12 days on and off-which i think was due to not taking my pill at the same time every night for about 1 week as I was busy and kept forgetting, I kept taking my pills as normal at the correct time and the bleeding stopped after 12 days.

I’m currently on week 2-3 now of my pack and today I’ve been feeling some cramping in the middle of my lower tummy, and shooting pains in my right side of my lower tummy. I’ve had the cramps on and off for 2 days and just today with the sharp shooting pains. My partner said I’ve been more emotional than usual and more snappy.

Only other time I’ve felt these feelings in my tummy was when I was tracking my ovulation/two week wait and I was pregnant.

I also believe I have a UTI or something as I have extra watery discharge, no smell maybe a little sweet, no burning when urinating, no itching, no pain with sex, no cottage cheese like discharge just wet, I am weeing more than usual especially at night, the GP doesn’t seem concerned she said it sounds normal.

Im just wondering if anyone could give me some advice.