How to move past MIL drama


I have a self centered MIL and she has caused a lot of grief over my 8 years of being in the family. I unfortunately will always have to deal with her because my husband and I farm with her husband (my husbands dad) on the daily and hope to take over their farm one day, so avoiding her is not possible. I want to know how do I move past the horrible things she’s done but refuses to ever take accountability for and always makes subtle jabs about. I’m up at 2 am frustrated again for the millionth time on how after my husband popped the question she and the rest of his family refused to answer our calls to tell them of our engagement because she was mad she wasn’t the first one to know. The reason my husband didn’t tell her he was planning to ask was because she was against him choosing me from the beginning. Another one is her and my husband’s sisters still talk to his longtime ex on the regular but never ask a thing about my life. How can they care so little about me, and then still expect me to worship their family. I can’t talk to many people about this because I live in the small town they grew up in. So my question is my mil has the upper hand because we need the family farm in the long term and how do I get her to be a decent human being until she passes away or how do I move on knowing I’ll never get the validation that they have treated me horribly. They literally pushed me into birth control when we were engaged and said if you need help making the appointment we can call and help because they thought they knew best of our timeline for kids. Anyway I have a million stories of things they’ve said and done but they will always side with my MIL and that I’m being mean to her for not conforming to her wishes because she knows best.