Need to vent

So my boyfriend and I have plans to go out Friday night, he’s son (13) at dinner said if he would attend a school event that is Saturday and it start at 7 am. I asked how long has he been knowing about this event and he replies; a few weeks, to which I asked why bring it up last minute when he knows we have a date night on Friday and we now would have to come home early, to be able to wake up and take him. He claims he forgot but he’s always doing this. What really bothers me is that his dad gets mad at me like this was my doing and he will not talk to me but he will talk to his son and act like nothing is wrong? I understand him trying to protect his son because he doesn’t have anyone else (no mom) but why do I have to be put down and yelled at?

So after all this happened my bf goes upstairs and doesn’t come hang out with me then around 8:30 Pm he asked if I wanted to watch something which I said no, then he goes off to saying how he came home during his lunch to fix the jacuzzi in the 30 degree weather and how he doesn’t deserve to live like this and how he can just change one thing to be at peace (referring to changing me).

I’m just at the point I feel this is abuse and that I should leave the relationship. Am I over reacting?