Looking for hope!


I’ve been TTC for almost 2 years now with no luck. I charted, took every fertility vitamin under the sun, had my partner checked, did everything the doctors told me and nothing. I suspected endometriosis over the last few years because my cramps became intolerable. Finally after going through laparoscopic surgery in October of 2024, the doctor confirmed that I had stage 1 endometriosis. During the same procedure, the doctor also attempted an HSG test(when they insert dye into your uterus to check the opening of your fallopian tubes) but it failed. My fallopian tubes were blocked. They weren’t able to tell if it there was any specific blockage or if it was just inflammation.

Now I’m just left with questions and desperation as to what’s next. I want to believe that there are women out there that have conceived naturally with endometriosis. I don’t want to believe that <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is my only option.

Anyone out there that can share a hopeful story/tips?

And if you have a doctor you can recommend, even better! 🩷