Okay, need legal knowledge here please!

I'm pregnant with this guy's baby, I'm due in September. He keeps threatening to take the baby from me, has threatened to rape me if I don't give it up to him. If I say no he says he will just take it from me. I don't want anything to do with him. Well, he got arrested Thursday for driving while license revoked, not impaired. But it was a misdemeanor. He got transferred from our local county detention center to the next county's where he was caught. Secured bond is $9,000. At our local county the charge was M-DWLR Not impaired. At the county he was caught in the charge is now failure to appear on misdemeanor. He is a repeat offender. He never goes to court and always gets arrested for driving while license revoked. He always gets out. I know I got with a real loser. I keep checking to see if he is still in there and there is no court date yet for him? What does that mean? Will he face actual time? I frigging hope so!! I'm scared of him!!! He causes me so much anxiety. He drinks, does drugs. You name it! Screenshots below

..... I'm in North Carolina, in Alexander county. He's being held in iredell..

Please any knowledge you can give about this situation will help! Do you think he will face time this time?? Of so, for how long? Thank you!! Pray he stays in there for me!!!!!

Screenshot says M-DWLR not impaired. $9,000 secured bond.

Edit: I JUST remembered in January he got pulled for for DWLR. But they let him go. Like I said, he keeps doing this. And keep getting away with it.

Says failure to appear on misdemeanor, $9000 secured bond. Pretrial.

This screen shot was from November 2022, when he got arrested. But apparently the assault on a female charge was dropped. But idk if he lied about that. Bond was $4500.

❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️ Edit:: I have three other children who I have been there for since day 1. My oldest turns 14 in June. Youngest just turned 8 in March. I live with my original baby daddy, we are back together. Plan on getting married. I really want nothing to do with this baby's father, he isn't stable at all. He lives in his truck, refuses to pay on the house. He keeps trying to talk me into leaving to be with him and that he'll have it figured out by then but I'm not stupid. I'm pretty sure his license is permanently revoked because of his history. I am so scared to make a report because I dont know how he will react. I live in a stable safe home. Bills are paid, children are clothed/loved/fed/entertained. I'm scared this guy will actually try and take my baby from me!!!

I really hope he will be stuck in prison for a few months so I can establish all this without worry of retaliation.