Does a growth spurt in toddler cause excessive thirst?

Does anyone know if a growth spurt can cause excessive thirst in a toddler? My son is almost 2 and a half. For the past week or so he has just been guzzling drinks like he is drinking anywhere from 8-10 10 10oz cups a day. He drinks oatmilk in the mornings and at night and has flavored water throughout the day. He has been going through a phase of not wanting to eat which is unlike him, he just lightly snacks throughout the day so idk if he’s just replacing food with drinks or maybe he is confusing the feeling of hunger for thirst idk what but he’s never wanted to drink this much.😅 Every time he finishes a cup he immediately comes to me crying and going to the refrigerator wanting me to fill it up again and he will throw an absolute fit until I do. If he sees me drinking from my water bottle he will cry wanting it. He is flying through diapers. I have to change him every hour and a half-2 hours otherwise he is peeing straight through his diaper, through his clothes, and onto the furniture. I have to wake up 2-3 times to change him in the night other wise I wake up to him, me, and my bed soaked in pee. Is this a normal toddler thing or maybe a growth spurt causing this? Should I stop giving him as much to drink during the day? I don’t really want to deny him drinks because I feel like he clearly thinks he is thirsty and that would make me feel bad but I feel like he’s drinking too much.

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