Help with oppositional defiant disorder?

My 5 year old has ADHD and ODD. I’m at the end of my rope. I don’t know what to do anymore. He flips his lid over every little thing and it’s a 3 hour fight to get him to do anything, like take a bath (he even likes baths!) or brush his teeth. I constantly have bruises, scratch marks, bite marks, I don’t know what to do. I’m constantly worried about CPS being called because he’ll go ballistic on me in public (at a store, Dr’s office, etc.) about nothing and when I try to protect myself he’ll scream that I’m hurting him. I’ve been letting him sit and watch TV most days because at least he’s happy and quiet and I just can’t deal with the screaming and fighting and being physically abused by a child anymore. I have a baby too and I don’t want her to get hurt during her brother’s fits. It sounds awful but I don’t even want to be around him anymore. I love him, and there are times where it’s nice, but it’s so much nicer here when he’s not around.

Does it ever get better?? Are there any meds that help?? I just can’t do this anymore.

And don’t anyone dare come at me and say I’m a bad mom because if you’ve never had a kid with ODD you honestly have no ducking idea what you’re talking about. I wouldn’t wish this shirt on anyone.