Go back to work?

I have been struggling with the decision to go back to work or not. My husband wants me too and thinks it’s just nerves. But I told him I don’t want someone else to raise our kids and to miss so much of their lives. We have done fine living off just his incomes for months not. But because we can’t afford to get all the things we did when we both worked he thinks it’s best for me to go back and to stop being emotional about it cause I’ll still see the kids just not as much.

I think part of why I struggle is because I feel like I missed so much with my first kid while working so I don’t want to miss anymore. And if we can afford food, bills and needs, why is it a big deal if we can’t buy the things we used too. Or eat out as much.

How did you all come to the decision to go back to work? What helped you be okay with it?