How to get toddler to stop being so rough and constantly jumping on me

How in the actual world do I get my toddler to understand personal space and to stop hurting me all the time climbing all over me jumping on me etc? Dead serious.🥲 he’s 2.5, I am very easily overstimulated and get touched out quick, my son all day every day is just climbing me like a tree, jumping on top of me, kicking me, pulling hair, scratching, pinching, standing on me, literally all day and it’s driving me nuts. I cannot sit down or even dare lay down anywhere near him because he immediately starts jumping on me and just full blown tackling me. I’m 5 and a half months pregnant and he’s constantly jumping on my stomach full force, standing on my stomach, hitting me in my stomach and I’m worried he’s gonna hurt the baby. I’ve tried telling him to not jump on me all the time and explain there’s a baby in my belly but he don’t get it. I can be sitting down and he will randomly just come up behind me and wrap both arms around my neck and fall backwards choking me, he will try to use my hair as a rope swing, he randomly comes up to me and pinches me as hard as he can or will randomly hit me hard with toys. I’m just tired of it. It’s getting extremely overwhelming. I literally move from room to room all day going from my bed to the living room couch to the dining room chairs and he follows me to just jump and climb on me. If I’m not just standing all day to keep him off of me I can’t get him to stay off. I hate even sitting down because he does this to me ALL the time especially at bed time. Idk if he just wants my attention or what he’s trying to do but I play with him all the time, his dad play wrestles with him a lot and I’ve tried explaining that he can only play rough with dad but he’s very rough with me to the point sometimes I just can’t play with him at all because he literally hurts me. He never runs out of energy. I feel bad complaining because I love him to death I just wish he would be more “gentle” and calm when it comes to interacting with me.