Toddler absolutely refusing to eat. Did anyone else’s kids go through a phase like this?

I’m at a loss. I genuinely don’t know how my 2.5 year old is even surviving at this point, he won’t eat ANYTHING. Does not matter what it is he’s not touching it. He used the he the best eater I always bragged about how good he would eat and the past month or so he’s just done a full 180. I cook breakfast, make lunch, and cook dinner every single day and idk why I bother because it all gets thrown on the floor or in the trash. I just spent an hour cooking dinner, I made one of his absolute favorite meals hoping he’d eat something and of course not even 5 mins in the high chair and he’s flipping out not wanting to eat it. Didn’t even take a SINGLE bite. I just don’t know how he’s going such long periods of time with NO food. I offer 3 meals a day and snacks in between, he will sometimes rarely take a snack but other than that he’s perfectly fine just having a couple cups of water or milk a day and that’s all he’s interested in. I’m genuinely concerned that he is going to start losing weight. Idk what to do to get him to eat, it’s bothering me sooo bad feeling like he’s just going hungry every day but I’m constantly offering him food all day long and he refuses everything. Is this normal? I pray he gets out of this soon because it’s driving me crazy.

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