he told me he can’t give me but time and money…i feel so unloved and lonely. am i wrong?

PLEASE READ…i’m really upset!! long story short the father of my young children (3 months to 4 years) hardly spends time with me or helps out around the house.

when we’re at the dinner table he literally is on his phone, when i’m putting the baby down he’s watching his show, instead of helping me clean, so then once i’m done instead of relaxing i have to clean. i literally don’t get a break. he can go to the gym when he feels like it. he leaves messes all around the home. he leaves his garbage all around the home. when i cook, i ask him to clean up and he thinks he shouldn’t. i feel so disrespected. he told me one time his job is to work and then he will take care of the lawn and garbage and that me being a woman i have to do everything else. but he doesn’t even do those things…he literally cuts the lawn once a month if i’m lucky…he doesn’t put the trash out. we literally have garbage bags of food/garbage sitting in our laundry room or kitchen for days and then i pick it up and throw it in the garage and he gets pissed. our garage stinks. we have bugs because of this. i’m so annoyed. i don’t want to take on more housework, but obviously i’m going to have to.

we got into an argument because he wasn’t supposed to work today and now he is. now please hear me out…it’s not the fact that he’s working, it’s the fact that yesterday he could have come home early to help me with the kids because he was done work really early…instead he went to his parents out to finish something for them. which literally added 6 hours to the day…so i’m annoyed with that. i need help. i don’t get it. i’m so overwhelmed/burnt out!!!

i’m trying to make money at home too (which i do…i make enough to cover our rent so it’s not like he’s the ONLY source of income here) so i need him home sometimes so i can do it + find my purpose outside of being a SAHM. as well as i need a break as well…or family time!!! so i look forward to the days he’s home. but lately he’s saying he can’t be home at all basically. and i tell him all the time how much i appreciate him and i help his so much with his little business. i’m so supportive and loving.

he told me he can’t give me both time and money, and that i either accept he can’t give me time or i don’t. i’m tired of feeling lonely and feeling like he’s a toddler that i have to clean up after. we don’t have another car so i’m literally home 24/7 with kids…and i only interact with them all day. all i want is love and attention when he’s home and for him to not work these crazy hours all the time. am i wrong?