26 day cycles AF due 1/9 or 1/10

This is my cycle#2 TTC after miscarriage at 8 weeks. My cycle went right back to normal. 25 or 26 day cycles and I ovulate on CD 16 every time. I use OPKs and get my first positive on CD14. Right now I am 2DPO and I am so anxious to test. My cervix is still high since ovulation but tightly closed and medium firm. 
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How can you tell if ur cervix is high or closed?


Megan • Jan 2, 2016
Thank you so much


danielle • Jan 2, 2016
Btw. During ovulation my cervix was open and now 2dpo it is tightly closed


danielle • Jan 2, 2016
It takes a lot of practice. If you check your cervix everyday throughout your cycle and chart what you feel you will be able to know the difference. While ovulating my cervix was high very soft and wet from the cervical mucus. Now 2 days after ovulation it's still high but not as soft