Suicidal thoughts and lack of motivation to work


Wondering if anyone experiences a lack of motivation to work when they’re on their period?

I usually get suicidal thoughts (I’m safe!) right at the beginning of my period, and I get so down in the dumps I can barely drag myself out of bed. On top of it all, I also have PCOS and suffer from extremely painful heavy periods that also make it difficult to get out of bed. I lost a job because of missed time from it and I’m scared it’ll happen with this one. Last week I was out with dehydration, needed an IV and such, was supposed to go back today but I was in so much pain I couldn’t. I work in the trades and it’s HOT. Which also makes everything way worse. When I get like this I see no point in going on, can barely take care of myself properly, I don’t eat unless my boyfriend pretty much makes me, and it’s hard to keep up with hygiene. I’ve mentioned to them my medical conditions and filled out an accommodation form asking to use the restroom a few extra times here and there, but lately these periods have been hitting me like a brick. I know I need to work but this pmdd has gotten so bad I’d rather get into a serious car crash than go in at this point. I’ve suffered w this for at least 10 years and just brushed it off as hormonal imbalances, until I realized it’s not normal to think these things.