Partner doing drugs whilst I’m pregnant


Hi everyone! I need some help! I am currently 4 weeks pregnant and I’m very excited❤️ but I have an issue, my partner is wonderful and has children to a previous relationship as do I. But that’s not the problem here… he was a drug addict for 10 years straight, he is obviously not with the baby mama anymore and they had a very unhealthy relationship, and he used drugs as a coping mechanism as he says, because he stayed for his children. Well I told him we could get through this and he has cut Down SIGNIFICANTLY with his drug use. Now I didn’t expect to get pregnant just yet even though we have wanted children and talked about it before. He has a few old habits he needs to break… the most important being drugs… he smokes weed and I can put up with that if it’s away from me, but he only found out I am pregnant 1 week ago and has sniffed C0cainé 2 times since finding out. I do not want to put up with it, I hate it and I am so angry at him for it. I told him if he did it again I wouldn’t speak to him again, but then he did it the 2nd time because he was around it and his friends did it infront of him. Could someone please help me with some advice and a different perspective maybe? I want better for my child, I don’t want him doing the drugs and it’s stressing me out wether I should even keep the baby, or become a single mother. He is giving me reassurance he will sort his sh!t out but I think he’s just saying what I want to hear! Can someone tell me if I’m over reacting, or if they’ve been in a similar position, or if I should leave whilst it’s early? I love him a lot and I want this baby but I don’t think he’s going to change.

Thank you everyone, I know this was long! ❤️❤️