PLEASE TRAD!! am i wrong? we have young kids and he’s so selfish..

i’m a sahm to 3 kids 4 and under (one only being 6 months). i am exhausted baby still wakes up a couple times a night and don’t get a moment to myself. i’m overwhelmed.

my husband wakes up every morning goes to the gym then goes to work. if he doesn’t go to the gym it’s because he slept in. he never wakes up to help me with the kids or even let me sleep in a bit. the baby is literally attached to me at the hip because i exclusively breastfeed. so a bread to shower or sleep in which i so need would be nice.

we just got into a huge argument over this. i told him he’s selfish. he said too bad he’s going to the gym every day and i have to deal with it. he said said it’s just cause i don’t want him going to the gym, meanwhile when i told him i’m going to get a membership then he said we’ll see. so he’s the one that doesn’t want me going, not me! he said “there’s women that would be so happy that their man is waking up early to go to the gym” like wtf? why would you even care what other woman think? you should only care what i think! also i told him are these woman that have young kids?

i truly don’t care. i told him i get it its important to do things for yourself. that’s not the issue. it’s that sometimes i just want to sleep in. today, i was literally exhausted. baby was up 4 times. at 7am baby was up for the day, i said please can you let me sleep in for a bit he said no he’s going to the gym and left. he works late too (runs his own business) and i’m so very supportive of it. i literally help him with it any way i can. so i’m overworked. i feel like i’m always alone with the kids…he comes home and doesn’t help me clean. in fact, he just makes a bigger mess.

am i wrong? i find him so selfish!!!