Vivien Joy is here 💕

Vivien Joy was born on December 27th at 4:00 am. 7lbs 10 oz 20 in long. We are so in love!
I woke up on December 26th 40 weeks and 2 days at 5:00 am with contractions. I labored at home until 4:00 pm. Went to the hospital and I was already dilated to a 5 and was having contractions every 1-2 minutes. I got an epidural a couple hours later which didn't hurt at all and I was finally able to relax. My water broke and I was dilated to a 9 by 12:00 am. The nurse propped me up in bed to help the baby move and let gravity do all the work. I started pushing at 3:49 am and at 4:00 on the dot our baby girl was born. I couldn't have asked for a better birthing experience. The hospital we went to was amazing, as soon as she was born they put her on my chest and we had skin to skin time for over an hour. I couldn't be happier with how everything went.