Pregnant with #4, husband doesn't want it (rn)

I need advice or at least more perspectives.. I recently found out I'm pregnant with baby number 4. Yes, it came as a surprise but I'm still happy, or at least I thought I was. However, my husband has said he doesn't want me to keep this one. Saying things like "right now just isn't a good time" and "we have things that we need to do before we have another baby".. but we were talking about starting to try within the next few months anyway, so I just don't understand what he means or how much or a difference it'll make.. I told him we could talk to someone about our options but I feel like he's already made up his mind about aborting it. Whereas, I'm so against that.. but I love him and don't want him to resent me or the baby... sorry this is so long, I just feel so conflicted