3 months breastfeeding/pumping ❤️🫶🏻


This is my 3rd baby and my gotta say it was been the most challenging breastfeeding journey but I didn’t give up there was days I wanted to. She is my only baby that came with a traumatic birth and that cause her yaw to be tense and unable to latch. She would fight me and fight me I knew it wasn’t me. Because at this point I was a “pro” already had breastfed my other two. I had to pump bcus I still wanted her to consume golden milk not only that I was latching her every feeding even if she stayed on for 5 mins then a bottle with pumped milk. My milk supply at first was good then rocky due to stressing but now it’s the best it has ever been. To any new pumping/ breastfeeding mommas. Trust me it gets easier. My baby just turned 3 months yesterday and she can latch or do bottle not only that she has been sleeping 9 hours at night and my supply is still so good 🙏🏻❤️ us moms are strong and not quitters that’s for sure. Cheers to 3 beautiful months with my last child. Nomore babies for me so everything is bitter sweet 🥺 I will still miss this nb stage despite of it being the most challenging. I’m