What would you do?

Hi all, in February my love and I decided that the relationship was draining us both. We continued to live together, go to family events and interact as we normally did. Our families joked that we were the only two that believed we broke up. Our relationship became strong, we began discussing marriage and kids again. We discussed giving space to build as individuals but not separating, just back burnering the relationship. In June, he bought the house we were looking at and I moved 40 minutes away to my college town. We continued to spend 3-4 nights a week together. In July, he said he needed space to think all of this through. I agreed and gave him the space. In the meantime, I moved my belongings out of his house including the cats and returned my key. About 3 weeks into him needing to think, I told him I did not wish to continue us. Early September i reached out and I asked him to meet and discuss and he said it wouldn’t change anything for him. I respected that. Last week, he blocked me. Here I am, mid October still in love and wanting to reach out. It has been three months since he said he just needed to think. I have written a letter of all the things I wish I had said. All the things I regret. All the things I wish he knew. Would you send the letter? I truly believe it was all a miscommunication but perhaps I’m delusional. Help.