Is it bad that I don’t want anyone seeing the baby until he is 5 1/2 months?

I have family in a different state. I don’t really get along with my mom and grandmother because they are kind of people who always tells you “advises” I never asked for and aren’t mentally helpful. Literally everyone in that house hold too always have something to say and know it all. I don’t want to host and I don’t want to be bothered by them. I don’t want to meet up with them. I just don’t want the time frame that I can give birth any week of my due date month and even after birth. Until the baby is 5 1/2 months. I made it known I don’t even want to see them now because I’am actually happy being pregnant and not having to hear their uncalled for comments and not really supportive comments and presence. I don’t have the energy to commit myself to meeting them up for a couple of hours anywhere or let alone inviting them to my temporary home until we move to a different house. I don’t want to host anyone in my life and have a bunch of comotion. Am I wrong for this?