
Parenting advice?

I have a child has all the toys can want has my affection and time has movies and is cared for and I have had trouble with parenting like if I don't go every night and tell him to brush his teeth he won't if I don't say take a shower he won't and if he does it on his own he lies about it won't brush teeth but rinse mouth won't shower but will change into pajamas.

He also makes a mess if I organized anything he likes to look at things and leave it around not in it's place and with toys he doesn't put everything back I let him play but I tell him everything has to be picked up before bedtime and what I don't like is the I will not brush my teeth in the morning he says after breakfast and he still doesn't brush his teeth.

I no longer allow bath toys because he has wet the bathroom floor with them and he has grabbed shampoo bottles that are full he empty them to use as a play toy and it's wasting products.

There's been many things broken in the house by him on accident or on purpose and it's like how do I explain what's valuable and to not break everything even his toys.Seven years old.