Mirilax making toddler grumpy/uncomfortable?


My daughter tends to hold it in when she has to go. She has phases where she does this. She was constipated I knew, but she wasn’t grumpy when she was constipated. Her dr wants us to give her Mirilax daily for 4 weeks. We also gave her a suppository, which worked well. She went a LOT. But ever since she’s been on the Mirilax, she has been sooo grumpy. She bounces around like she has to use the bathroom constantly and whines. This is what she always does when she has to go, but it’s been happening constantly since she started the Mirilax. She’s constantly asking us to check her diaper too. She went to the bathroom last night too, it was diarrhea-like. She keeps having streaks in her diaper too or having little bits of what looks like diarrhea coming out.

I just remembered this same thing happened months ago when she was in a phase like this. She was on daily Mirilax for awhile but we quit it bc she did this same thing, just not acting herself and bouncing around like she has to go to the bathroom constantly and whining all day. She has had sooooo much gas tonight too and has been miserable.

Does anyone else/else’s kids react similarly on Mirilax? Do you think it’s bothering her stomach? Should we stop the Mirilax? I will also add she eats a lot of fiber and fruits, even when she is constipated and hasn’t gone a few days, it never comes out hard (referring to when she’s not on Mirilax)