Should I give up, or am I just overthinking

I met a guy on holiday a couple of months ago and the connection was electric. Like nothing I’ve ever felt. It was a brief meeting on a night out but we exchanged social media and spoke every single day.

He is an hours flight away from me and he flew over to visit 4 weeks after we met. We had the best weekend. He said he didn’t want to go home, and that we would do it again.

Over the last week/10 days his text replies have slowed down a lot. His good mornings or good nights have started to fade. I am aware that after 2+ months of speaking every single day this can be natural. I’m also aware he works long days. There still hasn’t been a single day we haven’t spoken at all - so that’s my attempt at understanding and rationalising this. We’ve also set a date for his next visit (though he hasn’t booked his flight yet).

My bug bear is that he will look at my social media throughout the day, watch my stories, but won’t respond until 6-8 hours after I sent a message. Disclaimer - this is absolutely fine, but it’s just a change I’ve noticed which brought me here😂.

I haven’t addressed this as it’s still such early days and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt or maybe recognise where I am being insecure and deal with that. I’m trying to use this as an opportunity to grow.

I drop a subtle “are you still planning to come over” this week and he said he is.

Can I have some (kind) advice of what you guys make of this? I’m wondering if he is losing interest, but also can’t understand why he would tell me he’s coming over if that’s the case?!