Does this sound normal? OT for autistic child

So we suspect our 4 year old has autism. We were referred to OT by his pediatrician when he was 3. After a year on the waitlist we finally got to his first appointment. The woman seems nice, very Miss Rachel-ish. She was 20 minutes late (we were the first appointment of the day) when she arrived she apologized for being late, introduced herself then immediately took our son’s hand and took him into a big playroom type area. She didn’t speak a word to us the entire time. She would give our son a few minutes of free time, take the toy out of his hands without a word when time was up, obviously making him mad, and moved on to do an activity with him (putting pegs in holes, colors in cups, etc. They do that and then she says ok times up and “see you at the next appointment.” We ask questions like what’s the plan, will she be diagnosing him if appropriate, etc. and she really never answers our questions. It’s been two months now, he’s supposed to go every Friday and we have gone three times. She’s canceled on us the morning of the appointment every other time, and we live an hour away so often we’re about ready to walk out the door. However, if we don’t give her 48 hour notice if we have to cancel we have to pay a fee ($75 the first time and $50 each additional time.) like what if our child is puking that morning? What if there’s a blizzard and I don’t feel comfortable driving my two small children 1 hour 20 minutes in an area of low visibility and snow drifts along the lake? I just feel like we aren’t getting any answers, we don’t have any clue what’s going on, and we aren’t being respected. Is this common for OT?