1 year old fever keeps coming back

My son is 13 months. He got sent home from daycare yesterday, Tuesday, with a 102 fever. He also had a cough and runny nose. I gave him Motrin when we got home and the fever never came back. He stayed home with me today, Wednesday, because they can’t go back to daycare until they’re 24 hours fever free.

He woke up this morning with no fever and acting perfectly fine. Didn’t have a fever all night. Then after nap he woke up with a 100 fever, which I think is low grade. He’s had the low grade fever ever since and has acted miserable all day. It’s strange to me that the high fever was gone then it comes back as a low grade one.

Could this fever just be from teething? He’s been so fussy and drooling like crazy and has this low grade fever. I got it to come down a little with a bath but it came back before bed. And I felt in his mouth and he has a tooth about to pop through and one that just did break through.

Is this normal? I get sooo anxious when my kids have fevers. And it’s worrying me that it was 102 then was completely gone for like 12+ hours then came back.