CD27 TTC3yrs


Trigger warning

So I had a miscarriage on October 26th. I was then put on progesterone bc mine is low and they said low progesterone caused it. So anyways I’ve also been told after a miscarriage it’s usually easier to get pregnant. (TTC 3 yrs) and then also being on progesterone can make you get pregnant quicker or easier. So this cycle I did not track my ovulation other than how i felt bc I’ve still been getting blood tests to make sure hcg was going down etc. so I’m like 90% sure I ovulated this cycle based of cervical mucus, ovary pains, mood/sex drive, I’m on CD27, and today I’ve had some low back pain and it seems like my discharge was slightly tinged w very light pink blood and also an increase in discharge kind of a milky white creamy consistency. I’m really hoping this is a good sign. Anybody have anything they can add to this to make me feel like I can make it another week to test. I usually have like a 40 day cycle so I think it’s too soon to test. I’m only probably 5-7DPO. I’ve had these twinges in both ovary’s and my uterus even several times the last probably 4 days. Ugh idk. I think I’m just really anxious to take a test. It’s hard waiting two weeks