Baby latches and crys


Breastfeeding has me wanting to quit. Since birth my baby (now 4 weeks old) has had difficulty latching. She CAN latch, most times though she latches and then spits it out and cry’s, or spends so much time “looking” for my nipple when it’s right in her mouth that she gets her self so worked up she won’t latch. Because of this I’ve been pumping every 2 hours and bottle feeding her. Ladies… my nipples HURT from all the pumping. I find that I’m also struggling to keep up with her feedings. I pump about 2-3oz per session and my baby is drinking 4oz at a time. It’s near impossible for me to pump any kind of stash. Every other day I’m having to supplement with formula just to give my self time to build a stash of breast milk. Little one does fine with formula but I really don’t want to have to keep supplementing. I feel like if I could just get this girl to latch and successfully feed I could pump after and that will help me increase my supply. I just can’t for the life of me figure out this weird issue she’s having with the latching. Anyone have any advice??