Need help please


Hello everyone. To start I am working with my son's Dr currently about this but I still feel like something is off. I have been breastfeeding my son for the last 3 weeks. He is 4 weeks old but first week of life was in NICU and they didn't let me breastfeed. When he was discharged they had me supplementing with formula after he fed on me. I started out giving formula after every feed but he kept spitting up after the formula so I started offering it less. First Dr appt he had lost weight. So she told me to go back to offering it at every feeding and try to pump the opposite breast so we can check supply. I don't know if my flange are incorrect sizes or what but no matter what I only pump very little. But when he eats from me I can hear him gulping, he doesn't cry when he's done and he has plenty of wet and dirty diapers throughout the day. The next check he had gained weight so she told me I could stop the formula because my breasts are sore and leaking and as mentioned above he seems satisfied and has plenty of wet and dirty diapers. But we just checked him again and he's barely gaining weight. So she asked me to do every other feeding just formula. But my breasts hurt and leak when I do that. And I still offer him breast before bottle so he is still spitting up the formula. I don't know if this even makes sense. I just feel defeated right now. And don't know what to do.