Have to Re-Take the 3 Hour?


My 3 hour test was this morning. Of course, yesterday was thanksgiving and I didn’t eat very healthy. I stopped eating at 11:30pm (which was just a very small piece of cheese).

I started my test at 8am and got sick in the parking lot at 8:35am, and I have to retest. On the way home, I had to pull over in the emergency lane twice on the freeway. I got sick on the second pull off.

I was in bed all day.

My 1 hour result was 141. I have no idea what my fasting baseline was this morning because the result hasn’t come back. I know that test was incomplete but maybe they’ll see what my fasting blood sugar was.

I’m worried that because I got sick, that it means I have GD. But it could also be that I overdid it with food yesterday and it messed with my test. Now I need to go back.

Did anyone else here get sick with their 3 hour?