14 month old sick/ear infection

So both my kids have been sick with fevers then coughs and runny nose. All was well. Fevers went away and just bad coughs.

Well on Thanksgiving my 14 month old developed another fever days after the original one. Took him to urgent care Friday and they said one of his ears was slightly infected so they went in amoxicillin. He’s been on that since Friday so 2 full days and he had a morning dose today.

He didn’t have a fever at all yesterday so I thought antibiotics were kicking in and then it randomly came back at 6pm.

He slept all night and usually wakes up around 7. He literally slept until 9am and that was me waking him up he was still acting very tired. I gave him his antibiotic and checked his temp. It’s up to 102.7. He ate breakfast and had Motrin but was falling back asleep on my chest an hour after he just woke up from sleeping all night.

Should I be worried? His fever was gone almost like 16 hours then it came back and it’s pretty high. And he is super sleepy. Is this just how ear infections go?