Stopping the pill after 6 yrs



I have been on the pill since December of 2017 and am stopping it December of 2023 due to a diagnosis of IIH that I got last month. I'm on a bunch of new medications to try and keep my cerebralspinal fluid pressure down because of that and apparently the birth control can interact with the new medicine and the new medicine can also interact and lessen the affect of birth control.

Me and my husband have been talking about stopping the BC for a few months now anyway just since I was taking it for so long and it does cause a lot of different side effects and can cause some long term issues, so that's nice that we had already been discussing it before I all of this happened. I'm 27 years old and he's 28, we are not prepared at all for a baby but I would absolutely love to have one if it happens so that's where I'm at with it. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, we are also fine waiting a couple more years before actually really trying for one 🤣

They said I could get an IUD or an implant because apparently the medicine only interacts with the pill but I've literally always been so scared of both of those options, that's why I've been on the pill for 6 years! Haha it worked well for me, I took it on time and never had a problem. So I'm just going to go off of the BC for now and hopefully get whatever is going on with my IIH figured out and then we can go from there.

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