

Just need to talk this out. I have a 20 month old who my husband and I had to go through fertility treatments to be able to have. She is our entire world.

My brother and sister in law have been living with my parents for years (out of state) and have unexpectedly become pregnant. I am happy for them, but they've been dealing with some relationship issues in the recent past. My SIL is due in February and my mom will become primary caregiver as they will both be going back to work veryyy quickly. My father just underwent a massive back surgery so will not be able to provide much help with their baby when she arrives.

My husband and I want to start trying for #2, but I am already feeling so guilty about it. I hope we can fall pregnant much faster this time and if that's the case, our potential #2 would fall before my niece is a year old. My mom is the type of person who is easily overwhelmed and would want to immediately travel 10+ hours to come and help us, but I feel guilty about her leaving my brother/SIL in a bind as far as childcare. AITA for wanting to start trying now? I want a sibling for our daughter so badly, but don't want family to think we're competing for things such as first Christmas, time with grandparents etc.

Please provide opinions, whether on my side or not. I just need to talk this out. I feel like I keep trying to live my life based around other people's life events and I'm tired of doing so.