I’m lost


I have to write something just to get it off my chest. Sorry in advance.

The 9th of October I had a miscarriage. Tested negative 2 weeks after. The 12th of December pregnant again, tested with the clear blue and said 1-2 weeks. I had some blood loss after. A bit while wiping with slime and some crams. My head said if didn’t felt good. The ob said it was the implementation of the baby, but my heart said something else. Had an internal ultrasound today. She saw thickened lines, no sac and a bit of blood. Testing is still positive. She said it could be earlier than the 5 weeks we were counting or the start of a MC. I’m so all over the place right now and can’t think straight.

Do you even had this kind of experience and pregnant at the time?

Please help me with any advice or experience ♥️