Outside kids


Hey everyone I don’t wanna make it long so I will try to shorten it lol! But recently I separated from my kids father still waiting on divorce court etc! I have two kids by him! So recently a female contacted me and said she has a child by my ex husband the baby is 1 month! (So clearly this baby been made while we were together)!

She stated she wanted our kids to know each other but my ex husband sign his rights over for that child cause it was a one night stand and he told her he didn’t want the baby but she kept it anyways so he sign his rights over! She said she told him she wanted her child and my kids to still get to know each other but he didn’t respond so she decided to contact me and let me know. So I asked him about the situation and he admitted and said yes he did sign his rights over cause she was nothing but a nut and only knew her that one night! She said she didn’t want it agree with the signing over rights but she did anyway!


Would you let your kids get to know this other woman child even though they have the same father and the that same father has zero rights to her kid? Or would you block her cause she sleeping with a married man at the time lol! And not really give a fxck