My bf’s hygiene is iffy - please help!

Hey everyone. So to cut straight to the chase - does anyone have an experience in having to tell their partner their hygiene isn’t up to scratch? If so, what did you say and how was it received?

It’s a super awkward topic to discuss with someone and I’m trying to figure out a way to be as nice as possible. My boyfriend I’ve been dating for a few months.., well to put it simply he’s kinda smelly ‘down there’ (he’s uncircumcised, I know they take a little more cleaning which I don’t think he’s doing).

I don’t know if his parents just didn’t teach him how to clean himself properly, laziness or even a medical issue. But it seems clear to me he can’t smell it. It even gets to a point sometimes where we will be cuddling on the couch, I have my head on his chest and I can… smell it. Through his clothes, from well above the area. It’s putting me off having sex etc with him. I love him but it floored me.

He’s a super sensitive guy and I am wracking my brain trying to find a way to say something to him without him feeling like I’m being rude or attacking him or something. I don’t want him to be embarrassed. We have vaginas, we’ve all been there after a long day or an extra sweaty workout. But it’s all the time with him. Even if we have sex a few hours after his nightly shower.

Please help me find an easy and sensitive way to broach this topic with him 😫 I’m dreading it but the issue doesn’t seem to be going away on its own.